Future Pyramids - Print, 2016  »Work Views  »installationviews ⊗ Text

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The egyptian temple of Dendur (15 bc) in New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art where it was installed in 1978.
In the 19th century, carved graffiti were left on the temple walls and other egyptian ancient sites by visitors from
Europe such as Napoleon´s armies. One of the most prominent pieces of graffiti was left by the British naval officer
and later Rear Admiral Armar Lowry Corry. Another inscription was left by the Italian egyptologist Girolamo Segato
and Luther Bradish, president of the New York Historical Society.

Luther Bradish who served in the U.S. Army, fought in the War of 1812, became a lawyer and then became an agent.
He was sent by President Monroe to Constantinople, to figure out who to talk to about pirates chasing American
ships in the Mediterranean. He visited Dendur in 1821 and illegally carved his name into the limestone ("L. Brad—of
NY US"). When returned to New York, Luther Bradish was elected to the New York State Assembly, became its speaker,
then became lieutenant governor of New York, ran for governor, lost and spent the later part of his life as president
of the New York Historical Society - an organization dedicated to the preservation and protection of historical artifacts.

Francois Hollande touring the replica of the Chauvet cave. It is the largest cave replica ever built worldwide, ten times
bigger than the Lascaux facsimile.The original cave has been sealed off to the public since its discovery in 1994 and
is a model for the conservation and management of decorated caves. The Chauvet cave contains some of the oldest
known cave paintings, based on radiocarbon dating of "black from drawings, from torch marks and from the floors".
The radiocarbon dates from these samples suggest that there were two periods of creation in Chauvet: 35,000 years
ago and 30,000 years ago. Additions in drawings on particular places are up to 4,000 years way away from each other.

The Temple of Luxor. A 15-year-old middle school student from Nanjing, China. Ding Jinhao was in Egypt with his
parents, and when nobody was looking he scratched "Ding Jinhao was here" onto a 3,500 year old temple carving.
Another Chinese tourist, Shen Yuwen, noticed and took a picture. The photo very quickly went viral. Ding Jinhao was
identified online. Thousands of people called him a national disgrace; some sent death threats. Ding's mother told a
local paper, "We want to apologize to the Egyptian people and to the people who have paid attention to this case
across China." She then added that her son "cried all night." He was so ashamed.